
New User? Account Holders please register the mobile number you wish to manage with ProText services. Additional mobile numbers can be added once registration is complete. > Register

The Facts

"41% of teens are cyber-bullied via text message"

"64% of teens have sent or received texts during class"

"15% of teens have received inappropriate texts"

"34% of teens text while driving"

"teens average 80 texts per day"

"15% of teens text 200 or more times a day"

Make Messaging Personal

Copy: Send a copy of messages to your email address.

Forward: Forward a message to your email address.

Group Message: Set up distribution lists for your messages.

Auto Reply: Configure "out-of-office" and "away" messages.

Signature: Create a personal signature to personalize your messages.

Archive: Store all messages on-line for later usage or storage.

Messaging Control Freak

Blacklist: Prevent messaging access to/from certain mobile numbers.

Whitelist: Allow messaging access for certain mobile numbers only.

Day Parting: Apply "time-of-day" controls for messaging activity.

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